We Provide Physical Therapy Programs & More in Houston and its Surrounding Areas.

Here at Houston Regenerative Therapy, we provide a multitude of physical therapy programs that would help in improving the health and wellness of people living in the city of Houston and its neighboring areas. These include chiropractic services, joint rejuvenation therapy, spinal manipulation and decompression, neuropathic pain treatment, and many more.

If you want to read about the specific details regarding our different physical therapy programs and alternative medical solutions, feel free to browse and click on the buttons found below. Additionally, you can also visit the Meet Our Team page to find out more regarding our team of Houston-based regenerative therapy specialists who are going to help you in your road to recovery. 

Nerve Pain Image

Peripheral Neuropathy

Are you having trouble with balancing, numbness, pain, burning or tingling? Lots of sleepless nights with no relief? Read about how Houston Regenerative Therapy reverses nerve damage safely and effectively.


Disc - Spine/Joint Injuries & Pain

Disc-Spine/Joint Injuries & Pain- If you have chronic pain in any of your major joints, neck or spine from general wear and tear, a surgery, accident or by any other means: read about how we can help.


Hormonal Imbalances

Are you losing energy, sleep or having mood changes? Read about the therapies we offer so you can regain your life back.


Regenerative Pain Image

Sexual Dysfunction

Learn about the alternative methods we use in order to combat the effects of aging and getting your body back to feeling young.


Weight Management

Are you struggling in maintaining a healthy weight? Tried everything to lose those extra pounds with no results? Read more about our advance weight loss methods.


Chiropractic Image

Chiropractic Care

Learn about how we handle chronic back pain through manipulations and adjustments.


Personal Injury/Auto Accidents

If you have recently been in a car-wreck and are suffering, read more about how we take care of neck/back pain after an accident.


Ready to schedule your Exam?

With these physical therapy programs, we will be able to properly address all of your physical pains, as well as to improve your overall health and wellbeing in the process. All in all, you can put your trust in our team of professionals to assist you every step of the way in your road to recovery. Don’t bear those physical pains any longer and let the most dependable regenerative therapy specialists in and around Houston provide you with the personalized care that you deserve. For additional questions and inquiries regarding our services, don’t hesitate to give us a call at 713-777-7888 today.

- Houston Regenerative Therapy
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