Chelsea Hadash

Examination Specialist

Hi my name is Chelsea and I am an Examination Specialist at Houston Regenerative Therapy. I started at HRT in September of 2022. I recently returned to the office after welcoming a sweet baby boy into the world by the name of Grayson. He is truly so amazing and my motivation to get up every day and make the best of every situation. I graduated in May of 2022 with my Bachelor’s in Health Sciences from Sam Houston State University. I enjoy working out, golfing and of course spending time with my sweet baby boy. Returning to work was very difficult for me but showing up every day and seeing the smiles I can put on our patients’ faces by easing their pain and pushing them to commit to their health and wellbeing is amazing. I hope to one day be an inspiration to my son and show him that he too, can make a difference in this world!

- Houston Regenerative Therapy
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